In fact, the Twins did so well that me and my companion Al, the former scourge of St. Wenceslaus elementary, had to keep our brains in equilibrium (apparently, thinking hyperventilation was imminent) by deliberately trying to
*"They haven't completely scrubbed out the "Opening Day 2010" emblem along the first base line."
*"They don't have on all the lights in the canopy at the upper mezzanine level directly behind home plate."
*"The hot dog vendors aren't wearing authentic 1961 concessionaire outfits like they PROMISED - that blows."
Etc., etc....
But all joking aside [RIMSHOT], we were more than a little cheesed off over the late -5:30- opening of the gates, for a 7:10 start. Recall, the Metrodome opened for the full two-hour pregame. As if the Twins were saying: "Keep those fans out...we don't want to sell so much unhealthy beer and food, stay out!"
But soon enough, all that was forgotten as the great views of the Minneapolis skyline, the wide concourse with views of the field and the exhilaration of the crowd won us over. Or, about as soon as I purchased my first adult beverage...

( photo courtesy of theLipgloss And Baseball website)

No, Al's not bored in the picture above, he's mentally exhausted by the sheer sensory overload he's experiencing! Or, just trying to look cool!

Postgame, it was just fun to loiter at our seat, watch the groundscrew take over, and then take in the Target Plaza with it's statues of Kirby Puckett and Harmon Killebrew, and giant framework bats visible beyond the rightfield foulpole in this picture. We also stood by while the Fox North postgame show aired live. 

Twins sculptures are extra special touches...though Kirby's would scare me if I came upon it in a dark alley:

Hope this was an enjoyable series of posts for you! I'm having a hard time putting it into words and remembering all of the experience. With apologies to Al - sorry for forgetting your best lines! Hopefully this painted enough of a picture for you all who haven't been there yet!
Twinkler Out!
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