
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ben Revere: Making a Pitch To Be Future Centerfielder

I've already posted this video of Ben Revere's catch from the August 17, 2011 game against Delmon Young to another site, but think it deserves a place at Classic Minnesota Twins also!

Revere just seems to have that special factor that you don't see every day! He has filled in remarkably for Denard Span, since early June, when the veteran went down with a concussion on a play at home against the Royals. My favorite story regarding Revere is the day earlier this season when Denard was praising Revere for his quick first step in tracking flyballs, rating him over and above everyone else in that aspect - including himself. "And don't any of you people tell him I said that!," said Span, who, of course, turned to see Revere beaming with pleasure a few feet away, taking it all in. "Dont listen to any of that," Span protested in mock dismay.

Watch for the expression from young Mr.Revere after his webgem ride!

It gives pain to see Denard go through such a prolonged period of uncertainty and recoup post concussion. Speaking for all Twins fans, we'd like nothing better to see him doing his thing again, but soon.  That said, I think we're going to see this guy Ben in centerfield for the Twins for a long, long time. Because , you know: Nothing runs like Revere!

When a guy is making fielding plays reminiscent of Willie Mays in the 1954 World Series, it warrants a second look.

As our old buddy at the mic, Mr. Herb Carneal would say:

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