For what did my brothers and I love Texas Ted Uhlaender? Let me count the ways: his hustling approach, his excellent bat and glove, his ever-so-distinctive name, that tobacco-engorged cheek...what wasn't there to love for a baseball purist? I hope this sharp piece on him by St. Paul Dispatch and Pioneer Press writer Arno Goethel gives you some idea of who or what T.U. was all about. He was a throw-back sort, who went on to coach with the Indians after his playing days.
The Dec. 10, 1969 trade of Uhlaender, Greg Nettles, Dean Chance and Bob Miller to the Cleveland Indians for former all-star Luis Tiant and Stan Williams seemed a great one for the Twins - that is, it was, until El Tiante came down with a bad arm. All the Twins could do then was bring up some kid named Bert Blyleven to take Tiant's place. For all the young curveballer did for the Twins in 1970 and beyond, it still didn't prevent us from missing the sight of Teddy tracking down flyballs in center!
As our old friend at the mic, Herb Carneal, used to say: "...And the count rides along." - TT
Tejas Ted intently receives tutelage from Tony-O
Go to this link for full page of below Sporting News piece

Uhlaender comes home at the Met against Russ Gibson and
the Boston Redsox in a July 16, 1968 game. Sox pitcher Gary Bell
backs up the play in top frame. Ted knocked the ball loose to score!
The Dec. 10, 1969 trade of Uhlaender, Greg Nettles, Dean Chance and Bob Miller to the Cleveland Indians for former all-star Luis Tiant and Stan Williams seemed a great one for the Twins - that is, it was, until El Tiante came down with a bad arm. All the Twins could do then was bring up some kid named Bert Blyleven to take Tiant's place. For all the young curveballer did for the Twins in 1970 and beyond, it still didn't prevent us from missing the sight of Teddy tracking down flyballs in center!
As our old friend at the mic, Herb Carneal, used to say: "...And the count rides along." - TT
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